As part of Barty House’s Breath of Fresh Air initiative, quality care lead Cheryl Griffiths has been collaborating with the activities team to organise outings for the residents.
The initiative is all about getting residents out and about to interesting places of their choice. And while Barty doesn’t have its own minibus, the home is extremely fortunate to have received help from the Army!
Cheryl’s husband, Staff Seargent Bryan Griffiths, who has been stationed at Maidstone’s Invicta Park Barracks, is a qualified and experienced minibus driver. He borrowed the Army’s minibus and drove six residents (plus their carers) to Aylesford Priory in January, where they enjoyed a scenic walk, soaked up the history and had a restorative coffee in the café. When Cheryl asked the residents where they’d like to go next, their unanimous choice was the Royal Engineers Museum in Gillingham.
So, earlier this month, Bryan drove four eager residents – Betty, Hugh, Darren and ex-Royal Navy commander Peter – to the museum, accompanied by carers Nicky, Brenda and Cheryl.
Upon arrival, the group was greeted warmly by museum staff and taken on a guided tour. The residents were captivated by the extensive collection of military artifacts, historic vehicles and interactive exhibits detailing the impressive engineering feats of the Royal Engineers. There was also a rare chance to dress up in camouflage gear, sparking conversations and memories about their experiences and family connections to the military.
In addition to exploring the exhibits, residents participated in creative activities, including knitting poppies and making cushions. Betty was deeply touched to be given a handmade cushion by the museum’s activities organiser. Afterwards, the group gathered in the museum’s café for tea, cake and a lively discussion about the visit.
The entire outing left a lasting impression on the residents, who shared their enjoyment for days afterwards. They described it as “a boost to their wellbeing” and “a wonderful change of scenery”.
Housekeeper-turned-care assistant Cheryl, who has been at Barty House for two and a half years, is a former Navy recruit with a strong military family background. Her father fought in the Falklands with the Royal Engineers, her brother-in-law is a Royal Marine and her eldest son is also with the Army. For Cheryl there is never a dull moment – the ex-beauty therapist also has five other children with husband Bryan!
Unfortunately, because of Bryan’s recent promotion and move to Swinton Barracks in Wiltshire, Cheryl will be leaving the home to move with him at the end of April.
She will be sorely missed. From her housekeeping and care work to her role as quality care lead, her contribution has been significant. She has mentored colleagues, set up a buddy system for new starters and worked with the management team to enhance the quality of care.
“I enjoy every aspect of what I do, from dealing with quality audits to taking the residents out and giving them a good time,” she says. “To me, care really doesn’t feel like work.”
David Willis, Barty’s home manager adds: “Our residents love getting out and about, and we’d like to say a huge thank you to Cheryl, Bryan and the Army for making this possible. We will all really miss Cheryl’s initiative, dedication and cheerful demeanor in the home, too, but hope that we can stay in touch. We will also be maintaining our close links with the Army and look forward to many more trips out in the future!”